Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Girls, girls, girls....

A lot of people have talked about the change in my demeanor over the last few months of this year, and a lot of people who haven't seen me in awhile had a lot of misconceptions about me from the way I had acted when I was still an approach coach.

ANd the reason is I realized that this area of life, doesn't need to be rushed. I've been with A LOT of women, and I realized that there are very few girls that stick out and are remembered as more than a fling. The interactions mere techniqualities. A chance to test a new routine or LMR strategy. A chance to see if being patient was better than getting LMR and dealing through it. Even longer things like my fling with my neigbor in SD Amanda were so blatently " Just hooking up" That she saw me bring home almost a dozen other girls and dropped by one night while the other girl I was hooking up with in my building was on the couch with me. And these stories color my memories of her rather than the way she bit her lip when she was turned on or the way she laughed at my dumb jokes...

And the girls I have met and "fucked, shagged, had sex with, romanced, ltr'd, MLTR'd and 3-somed dated,seen and been talking to". Have been amazing and different and in the case of 2 maybe the WORST people I've met. I had a girl named Laura made me think and was intelligent and really hot with pierced nipples, and she had blown me and then the next time we hung out told me she thought she was going crazy and then later shave her head and dye it blue... But She sticks out and so few girls do, it almost bugs me.

Actually as I'm writing this, the new girl from the new city from now on ngnc, has been texting and I have been twisting every SINGLE thing she says into a qualifier to the point that her last text was

" When are you going to trust me that I'm superior to most"

The new girl has personality, in the same way as Annie my last LTR. There's a definite formula to picking me up, and it relies heavily on smart ass comments..

Anyway Not sure what I was trying to say here, so I hope it was useful or entertaining to someone.

It makes me happy when I read it and that's all I can ask for.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ***glad to hear "this part of life doesnt need to be rushed" and also noticed, one time i asked u how long u qualify the girl, u said always oru said until she's over w/, and i realize u really did mean that, so KEEP ON Qualifying!***

  3. Just sweet to have you writing again. Hey see the Peaceful Warrior. Great movie for inner game.

  4. Anonymous10:30 PM

    can you please give us a few examples from this text conversation?


    david aames

  5. Why do you have to twist everything she says into a qualifier dude?

    Is she super hot?

  6. Hah! Regarding crazy women. Yes, they are out there shaving their heads and acting weird. I've been there.

    In fact, I'm only surprised now when they AREN'T crazy.

    JK Ellis

  7. love this post. About 10 minutes ago I just recalled a girl from my past that I had totally forgotten about, so this post hit home.
