Recently I have had some phone calls and emails from guys who have been into pick-up for a long, long, long time without actually getting results.
One guy I spoke to had been doing pick up for close to 5 years and was still having problems getting laid. Another guy had done over 2,000 approaches and only had 2-3 lays.
Which brings me to a very important point. When it comes to getting better at pick-up there is a learning curve. For me it took 6 months of doing approaches every day for me to get my first lay BUT and this is a big Kardashian sized BUT after that I started getting laid by at least 1 new girl a month.
When you get your first success there should be a breakthrough where things start to get easier. If not after your first success fairly soon after that.
Now the guy who had been doing stuff for 5 years had never had any coaching and perhaps that was the reason he wasn't getting results as oftentimes a coach can fix some of the issues, but the bigger issue is this:
If after 5 years of practice you still aren't good at something, it might be time to admit that this just isn't for you.
Hell 5 years is too long in my opinion, I've watched other guys both online and in real life grind and put in the effort only to never get better. I hate to be big king dream squasher (Ok that's not true I love it so much it makes have to change my pants) but some of you don't have what it takes to get good at this.
That doesn't mean you cant get a little bit better, it just means that at a certain point if you're not getting better and actually getting success with women, then you need to give up the dream of ever being a player and rolling in the clubs with 10s on each arm and start to look at what's realistic for you which is probably a girlfriend of roughly equal attractiveness.
So I'm now officially laying out my guide for when to quit pick-up. It's actually quite simple.
If you have
A: Been into pick up for over a year without taking any action. If you've been reading stuff for that long you're probably never going to take action so you might as well stop torturing yourself by reading about other people's exploits.
B. If you've been doing approaches for over 2 years and haven't gotten any success. We'll define any success as less than 3 lays.
C. You've done more than 2,000 cold approaches and have less than 3 lays.
So there you have it a guide to giving up so you can move on to something else that might work for you.