Monday, October 20, 2008

At the Superconference, and more details on the next call...

Hey guys,

It's been a crazy couple of days at the Superconference in LA. It started off with me and 5.0 completing an acrobatic monkey( A made up term for when you pick up a 2 set and both have sex with each of the two girls, a switch if you will) then I pulled again the next night and had a weird experience of waking up next to a girl and not remembering her name, or how I got there, or even how I got into the set. Gotta love alcohol.So that made 3 new girls in the first two days in LA. It would get weirder from here..

I gave my talk on personalizing your game and revealed a few tips on what to personalize and when. Specifically talking about fashion, routines, escalation strategies, humor, and schticks. The talk went over really well and I got to spend a lot of time talking to students one on one during the breaks between sessions and stuff.

I also got to see a lot of my former students who have now become lead instructors in their own right. Especially guys like Mr M, Braddock and Soul. They've all really come into their own as instructors and it makes me proud of the help I was able to give them.

Here were some highlights of the conference for me:

Moxie's talk on state. This was one of the presentations I missed at the last superconference and I made sure I was there in the front row for it this time. Moxie went over a ton of ways to get and keep yourself in state as well as a bunch of ways to make going out be more fun.

Brad P on fashion and 10 minute seductions. I always look forward to seeing Brad speak. He's just got a way different vibe from almost anyone else who's teaching. I personally think it's cause he's an actually cool guy, not a guy who learned to be cool off the internet(like me).

Savoy on female psychology is always a good talk, and it seems like he adds something new everytime I see it.

I even got Sheriff to sit down and give his take on The Game Acceleration Doctrine:

I'm also super-excited to announce that we're doing a special one-time only Game Acceleration Tele-Conference this THURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. If you've enjoyed the Game Acceleration Doctrine and the information that I've released in the last couple of weeks, you DO NOT want to miss this one-time only call.

The topic is "The 7 Steps to Becoming An Expert Pick-Up Artist In 12 Months Or Less" In this call, I'm going to tie together EVERYTHING I've been talking about for the last two weeks. For many of you, this call will make a turning point in your life and that is NOT a joke.

Register here:



  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Thanks man, I'll make sure to not miss it

  2. Hey Sinn,

    Unfortunately I will not be able to attend your call again because I have acting class. You don't know how upset I am that I cannot attend. But I hope everything goes well and it will. Best Wishes,


  3. Anonymous6:32 PM

    the feeds are fucked on your blog

  4. "It started off with me and 5.0 completing an acrobatic monkey( A made up term for when you pick up a 2 set and both have sex with each of the two girls, a switch if you will) then I pulled again the next night and had a weird experience of waking up next to a girl and not remembering her name, or how I got there, or even how I got into the set."

    Sheesh, Sinn, this is like pickup artistry as an extreme sport ;-) Thanks for another good laugh. Maybe you can help me with the most ridiculous sticking point ever ...

    - Erika

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    How come you can't look other PUAs in the eye?

    Whassamatta wit you?

    lol....listen to Barry's show today 10/21

    you'll get a kick out of it.


  6. Sheriff's my favorite. haha

  7. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Sinn, you're the man ! i've always loved your sincerity about the game.

    On the Lovesystem forum, you said you met TD and he shaved his head. I guess you're talking about Tyler from RSD and a question popped into my head.
    Honestly, do you see intructors from other compagnies assist (as a student not as speaker) on Superconferences. I'm really curious about this one..

    Finally, i've heard you're gonna take a lair tour around US. I am myself at the Brusells Lair. If you want to visit Belgium or France, please contact us, it will be a pleasure !

    you rock man!

