Friday, January 04, 2008

New ways to learn

I've been having a storm of ideas lately for new ways to teach and I talked to Savoy last night about some of them. There's probably going to be a much more detailed announcement soon. But basically there's going to be a few more long term ways to learn directly from me.

I'm also going to be using different forms of media in a couple of other ways. I think this will be great for the group of guys out there that really want to learn, but can't get to a bootcamp for whatever reasons.

It will be limited, but it's for real limited because there's only one of me, and I don't want to farm anything out.

Stay tuned.



  1. YES, I LIKE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT! said in my retarded voice.

  2. Sinn,
    I have only recently come to this community but have dedicated myself completely and will not let go until I get out of it what I am aiming for.

    I have to say that your blog has been a huge inspiration, especially your last post about the trip with TD was amazing.

    It would be an amazing oppertunity to learn from you.. and seeying how I live in Europe (amsterdam) taking a bootcamp is quite difficult.

  3. when you say "For whatever reason" does that include changing the price tag too? It's because unfortunately I live in the basement and my mum does not approve of bootcamps (money issues).

    serious! man

    p.s> it's all about the day game seminar in London.

  4. Hell yes! "The Sinn Show" I haven't seen you since Cliff's List '05 boy!

    Congratulations on your re-dedication to teaching. Your "Revelations" post was just amazing I felt motivated (and still do) to achieve those feelings after reading that!

    All the best S-money


  5. Anonymous10:31 AM

    great now you can charge $4000 for bootcamp

  6. Any word on a Breakthrough Comfort DVD in the near future?
