Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Project Hollywood House 2, PUAS 0

 So word around the campfire is that the Speer and Vince Kelvin led version of the Project Hollywood house (yes the same house as 2005) has broken up badly as Pick Up Partnerships tend to do. I talked to Speer briefly and a couple of other dudes who have a little bit of knowledge about the situation. I'll post more details if/when they become available.

Also Vince is apparently in the hospital now for either a heart attack or panic attacks. No one I've talked to seems to know exactly what, but hopefully he gets better. I bust on the guy cause he's ridiculous, but I don't wish bad health or serious harm on anyone.

Which brings me to the title of this post, that house on Londonderry is undefeated against the PUAS. They come in, and none of them lasts more than a year. Which is understandable at 12K a month in rent...

I bet when the owners see a group of guys come in to look at that place their eyes just turn into little $$ like in the cartoons.
 The question now is will another group of PUAS try their hand at the house that eats PUAS for dinner?


Friday, September 14, 2012

Guest Article: Taking The First Step

Taking that first step is often the most difficult part of embarking on change. Often, if we could only take that first step , write that first sentence in your novel, do that first push up, say hello to that beautiful girl ‚ then the rest of our endeavor becomes easy and flows like honey.

Sometimes we all need a little motivation to kick start whatever we are trying to accomplish. There is no shame in that. The men who are the most successful with women know that they are willing to do whatever it takes to improve themselves and improve their game.

Here are a few tried-and-true tips that deal with getting motivated to take action to get better with women.

Tip #1

1. Pump it up. A really savvy strategy that can get you pumped up to make that first phone call or hit that club with confidence is to do a little groundwork before you even leave the house. Find some music that really gets you pumped up and crank it as loud as you can. (If you live in an apartment, you might stick to headphones!)

The music might even motivate you to start dancing around the house, which will make you feel even better. This strategy is successful for a few different reasons: Listening to music that makes you happy automatically improves your mood and therefore your self-confidence level. When we are happy, our self-esteem usually tends to be at its highest. In addition, listening to our favorite music releases endorphins that give us a boost of energy and feel-good hormones preparing us to meet challenges head on.

Tip #2

2. Become friends with other like-minded men. You can do this online through pick up forums or you can do this by finding other men who live in your area. You will not only learn from encouraging them to get out there, but they will be the ones who can motivate you and stroke your ego when you are feeling insecure or unsure about your dating skills and abilities with women.

Having another guy to run scenarios by is a great strategy to motivate you to tackle the dating world. In addition, you can act as each other's wingman and get out there supporting and helping each other improve your game with women.

There is power in numbers and getting someone else's take on a situation or even an outfit to wear to the club can be invaluable when it comes to getting better with women. A good guy friend will be honest, but not a jerk about giving his opinion and advice and in return you do the same for him. Often we learn the most by helping others and critiquing their efforts will usually improve our own game.

Tip #3

3. Read everything you can get your hands on about how to be successful in approaching and attracting women.

What happens when you start reading books about self-improvement and techniques that work, you automatically, almost subconsciously start itching to get out there and try it for yourself.

And the beauty of this motivation method is that while you are motivating yourself, you are also arming yourself with knowledge that will make you successful with women. Even if you are not aware of it consciously, your words, actions, and behaviors will be influenced by what you read.

Deep down, you already know what works and what doesn't and it will naturally incorporate itself into your game. As a result, with very little effort, you will not only be motivated, but you will be taking action to get better with women naturally.

Bill Preston

Friday, September 07, 2012

Why Men And Women Can't Be Friends (Video)

 By far the most frequently commented on post I've ever written is my post about not trusting girls with all guy friends.

 Read it here: Never Trust Girls With All Male Friends

Here's a great video that captures my point even more succinctly.

Comment Below


Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The Greatest Pickup Video Of All Time

This might be the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life...

Couple of extras about Smash 99 the legend.

He's Asian despite speaking with what one can only call a "Blackcent"

He has 100s of these videos some of which include his actual approaches which are as hilarious as one would assume from this video.

He's 100 percent serious.

If you find more vids like this post them in the comments this guy deserves the attention.