Wednesday, May 04, 2011

The Becca Mistake

This article is now available on my new site.

Click here to read the article.


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I actually really dig this post a lot. Too many dudes have this weird notion that guys who teach game just never fuck up. Which is definitely not true. Being able to let down a front and actually admit your mistakes is critical to improving, but insecure dudes will probably clown you about not having PUA superpowers or whatever. Besides, keeping it 100 keeps you from being a weed sociopath like a certain dude who's name rhymes with 'teal blouse'. You might have heard of him :).

  2. I agree fully with the above poster and the problems you identified with also helped us learn to avoid these problems through example.

    Like always, very entertaining. 2 Awesome quotes I found from this

    " That's the behavior of a girl trying to get murdered." This ones straight lulzy

    "As I often say on a long enough timeline the chances any particular girl who is around me won't sleep with me drop to 0." Nice Fight Club reference lol

  3. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Wat up my dude. Wuz in one of ur programs one time. and still read ur blog. funny ass shit on ur blog wit the neil shit. u cj and judge helped me wit my game alot and just wanted to drop u a line and say thanks. say wats up to alex for me to cause he wuz on my program as an instructer. i dont fuck wit the pua shit to much anymore but i read the blogs for fun kinda you can say. but im def doin well now and just keep it basic and yall were part of my journey. holla at me if your ever in jer shun. well blaze an el and hit sum ill spots. I no all the spots iwt all the FLAAAAAAvors!!! lmao. keep doin ur thing. fuck these bitch as keyborad haters. JERZ BITCH -T yo sinn you no my email and all that. haha

  4. Hey dude,
    I agree with the guy above. Too many teachers do go around acting like they've never fucked up.

    You having the gall to go out and openly tell us, your readers (among haters), that you messed up then gave a valid learning lesson out of this for others.

    Thanks for that Jon.

    By the way I definitely loved Seduction Roadmap because it really helped me out with my game and have recommended it to a few of my close friends.


  5. I'm confused.

    It sounds like you're saying the reason she blew you off is because you texted her too much.

    Isn't it possible she's just an asshole? That seems like a more credible explanation based on what else you've written about her.

  6. Anonymous6:33 PM

    @Dan B...exactly. Even if you didn't escalate, that in and of itself doesn't excuse her (IMO) childish and gamey tactics. One thing I make a point of doing is making sure I severely punish a bitch if she starts trying to get too gamey. I drop their asses cold and give them absolutely no attention.

    Cut all losses and don't look back. I swear I had a chick text me to hang out this morning who I dropped like this around Valentine's Day. I REALLY didn't know who she was because I delete any chick's number if I haven't banged in 2 wks. My world, my rules. I'm not a rude or overbearing guy but I refuse to let women run game on me for the simple possibility of some pussy.

  7. Anonymous7:50 PM

    killer post dude.

    since your advice is so useful to me, i'll provide some in return.

    IMHO your issue is that you've not fully internalized the dynamics of push/pull. this directly ties into her investing and qualification. if the girl isn't completely sure she's got you, she'll invest more. you're probably over IOI'ing. thus, push pull. u gotta keep it always confusing for her as to whether she's "got you" or not yet.

    given you already nailed her, this is a moderately unusual case.

    just blow her off for a while, she'll come back around. and then tell us about how it went. :-)

  8. Anonymous3:10 PM

    To the post above;
    are you seriously giving advice to #1 PUA in the world? get a life

  9. Anonymous11:36 PM

    hi Jon,

    Love your content, your posts in the last three months have been especially insightful to me.

    You've often written about how before sex the girl has more "power" in the relationship than the guy, but after sex this dynamic reverses.

    Because this girl is a "player" maybe her having had sex with you has not had the usual effect of changing this dynamic: it will require some sort of other type of investment, perhaps emotional rather than sexual, to change the dynamic.

  10. this girl is nuts. run. you have options. sending a pic of her clothes for another date while sleeping with you is not normal, emotionally healthly behaviour. you are overinvested in a nutjob, which doesnt tend to end well.

    just my .02, maybe you know better but thats how it looks from the outside.

  11. Anonymous6:57 PM

    What about the Barrie Eden mistake? Did you learn anything from that experience?

  12. Anonymous8:01 PM

    So basically you suck with women. Cool.

  13. A lot of retarded comments here. Everyone seems to have a black and white image of dating and relationships.

  14. Anonymous2:49 AM

    You are made of skittles.

  15. Anonymous9:04 PM

    This article really helped me out, I know everyone has made big mistakes, but actually putting it out there and letting me know you can actually relate is huge. I used to be close to a natural not having too many problems. Then my life took a unknowing 5 year decay.

    The Kaitlyn Mistake
    I work part time with this girl, asked her out, found out she had a boyfriend. A week later wrote her a semi love letter ended with "i want to get to know you more". She freaked, and things are incredibly awkward now. I try to be cool about it, but my oneitis has worn off and I see how blind i was, and realize pursuing her was a terrible idea. Now im unconsciously mean to her because she is actual a really big, immature bitch.

    In short, I found the Community a month after this happened and now am trying to fix my rut.

    Thank you

  16. I wish for people, men AND women to drop their guards and just be open to one another. I think it's completely ridiculous that guys need this 'gaming'...I know women can be horrible. Goes for guys too. And bad experiences really can mark you for a long time. But maybe we all need to learn a totally different approach to life and love in general. Aren't we all just looking for the same thing after all?
