Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Top 7 Charlatans, Freaks and Weirdos of 2009

Hey Guys,

So Cam is staying with me for a few days for fun, and when I told him about the top 5 Charlatans list, not only did he want to contribute, but he suggested we do a whole podcast on it.

We are going to be recording that right after I post this, but I wanted to tease you guys a little bit first by giving you a rundown of the top 7 Charlatans we will be discussing as well as a few honorable mentions…

Honorable Mentions: Hawaii of Venusian Arts, Herbal T, All Female PUA instructors(not dating coaches PU coaches), Badboy of Croatia, Vin Dicarlo and Jordan Harbinger. All douchey but not enough to make the final 7. Fuck you very much to those guys, I hope you all die fiery deaths. Happy fucking new year!

Now I’m only going to reveal 4 of the top 7 here, you’ll have to actually listen to the podcast later to hear the hilarious top-3 and tales of their ridiculousness… Plus I shout out each of these fools as I know they're gonna read it :)

# 7- David Wygant- The Whole Foods Loiterer heads up the final spot. You know it’s a douchey list when Wygant is the 7th worst offender of charlatanism. PS- You still aren’t the real Hitch. Douche.

# 6 – Sean Stephensen- You don’t get laid like a rockstar, Sean. Just keep it 100 with us and you wouldn’t be on the list. Sean’s physical handicaps had no part in this ranking, just his bullshit and bragging. We’re not making fun of him for being handicapped, we’re making fun of him for bragging in ways that would shame TD.

# 5 – Erika Awakening- I hate to admit it, but she definitely amuses me more than these others. She still gives bat shit crazy advice tho. Good job on your bitter Entropy post E.

# 4 – Dr Paul Dobransky – Don’t even get me started on this guy. Nerds pick on Dr Paul. Plus his doctorate has NOTHING to do with helping guys meet girls. That’s like a PHD in physics telling us to listen to his theories on attraction because he has a PHD… Retarded. Seriously dude have you been laid in the 2000s without paying?

And that’s all for now though the final 3 are WAY bigger wastes of sperm than these 4.

Stay Tuned, people will be shocked and awed.

As for the charlatans themselves, As Sheree of The Real Housewives Of Atlanta once famously said

" Who gonna check me boo?"

JS- The King Of Content/PerezHilton of the PUA world ☺


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Wow Vin Dicarlo? Really? I thought that guy was legit.

  2. Gaelic12:13 PM

    Hey, quite amusing ;)

    Erika is definitely a douche.

    But, Sinn, I don't understand why Vin DiCarlo is mentionned in the top of your bill, as he actually makes part of your day game course. Can you explain a little bit on that plz ?

    Anyway, looking forward to hearing the podcast ;)

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    3) Johnny Soporno
    2) Tyler Durden
    1) Ross Jeffries

  4. I feel like no. 1 is gonna be Johnny Soporno. Just sayin.

  5. I'm surprised to see Vin DiCarlo's name there. IIRC Sinn did an interview with Vin for his Mastermind series. They seemed to get along very well... in fact I was surprised to see that Vin was not on the top 10 list. Good natured joking or genuine disagreement?

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I hope Mr. M is on this list. He is by far the biggest fraud around. This guy is dating playboy type women? You have to be kidding me.

  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Only reason Wygant is on the list is b/c you don't like him. It has NOTHING to do with his skills at all Sinn. Just be honest about why he's on the list. Anyone who has read his book, Always Talk to Strangers, knows the guy is a serious student of dating and seduction. Is he perfect? Not at all. He has flaws like you do. But he does not deserve the scorn you heap on him. Heck Cam interviews him in his products!

  8. Can you tell us what made you decide to put those guys on the list. Are they ripping people off? Do they not give good techniques? Have you seen them in-field and they suck?

    I have to tell you that Dr Paul's Deep Inner Game program with David D is one of the best things I've ever bought from the community. His simple diagrams to overcome your issues (in career and relationships) have been a tremendous help for me and I revisit this program at least 3 times/year. Maybe he sucks in field, but his simple principles to reach success have helped me more than most gurus' systems.

  9. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Lovesystems HAS to be on this list

  10. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Hay, hay, hay, what's going on brother all this hating and stuff ... why are you so upset ... spread the love not hate ... if you think they are bad so be it no need to make such a riff raff about it all ... muck love ...x

  11. Anonymous12:53 PM

    i would guess:
    1. soporno
    2. matador (more funny stories of him please)
    3. some rsd douche

    im glad vin dicarlo is on the list! its obvious that he isnt good! his instructor team is a joke..and the funniest thing ever is how he tries to invent PU theory ("shaping" -> framing) ...its pure mehow style ("directive" -> question; line-> "sound bite"....)

    can you please douche a bit on mehow!? guys just dont understand, that his 10ssa isnt that innovativ.
    guys like GLenn P. talked about stuff like that years ago..

    dont jugde my english..its new ;)

  12. Vin was a complete shocker especially after the SDL interview, I thought yall were cool. I'm emailing you through your @SOA.com but no reply in 2 wks, everyone quit on you?

  13. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Why David Wygant????

  14. Why David Wygant????

  15. Anonymous1:01 PM

    First of all,sorry for my english,so dont give me shit about it,aniway...

    I dont get why dr paul and Sean are on that list,i dont think they ever said to be pick up artists...correct me if i am wrong.

  16. Anonymous1:03 PM

    HEy JS please put Eazy E " real muthfuckin G's" as the intro to the coutndown of charlatan Heston's of PU. in ur podcast.

  17. Anonymous1:04 PM

    btw its was a great idea to do this List...reckognize,bitches ;)

  18. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Picking up girls is easy. Having them actually like you for who you are is harder. But once you know this little secret, it becomes easy again. All you have to do is:

    Just be awesome.

    That's right. For some people this comes naturally, such as the naturals. Most guys have to learn how to be awesome, but it's just like learning English -- well worth it.

    Remember, you're always awesome to girls who are below your league, and chances are there are a lot of them out there. With this in mind, one way to becoming awesome to the kind of girls you really want is by simply starting to be out of their league before you even meet them.

    Who is out of the league of random hot chicks? Pretty much any guy who has scarce resources other chicks care about, such as money, fame, a VIP table, drugs, or a large package.

    Now all you have to do is have a bro who introduces you as having at least one of these things and BAM - chick is yours. Remember, never brag about yourself - have your wingman do it for you.

    A variation of this is to meet the girl's fat friend and impress her with your charm and awesomeness, after which you invite them both to join you at your table for drinks and walk away. She will tell the hottie all about you, turning her instantly into a temporary Bro. You can tell her about your money, fame or anything else except the package -- life is too short to pork fat chicks. WHADUP!

    Stay awesome,
    Barney S

  19. Anonymous1:19 PM

    7 places for charlatans is not enough!

    I would add Stephane Hemon, Scot McKay, Alex Allman, Brent Smith, Alex Benzer, Barry Kirkey, Carlos Xuma, Chet Rowland, David Copeland & Ron Louis, Francisco Bujan, Rion Williams, Steve Williams, Thundercat, Travis Decker...

  20. Anonymous1:20 PM

    7 places for charlatans is not enough!

    I would add Stephane Hemon, Scot McKay, Alex Allman, Brent Smith, Alex Benzer, Barry Kirkey, Carlos Xuma, Chet Rowland, David Copeland & Ron Louis, Francisco Bujan, Rion Williams, Steve Williams, Thundercat, Travis Decker...

  21. Anonymous1:20 PM

    7 places for charlatans is not enough!

    I would add Stephane Hemon, Scot McKay, Alex Allman, Brent Smith, Alex Benzer, Barry Kirkey, Carlos Xuma, Chet Rowland, David Copeland & Ron Louis, Francisco Bujan, Rion Williams, Steve Williams, Thundercat, Travis Decker...

  22. D. M.1:31 PM

    I honestly can't wait for the Podcast. I'd take even bets Neil will feature as number 1.

  23. Wy Badboy?
    is he a smack?

  24. Anonymous2:07 PM

    LMAO. JS please do your sean stephenson imitation of "I get laid like a rockstar"...that was soo awesome I cried laughing...

  25. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Way to go, Sinn! You're the Thundercat of 2009!

  26. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I was impressed to see this list. It takes guts in the back-slapping PUA world. Anyway, Vin Dicarlo should definitely be on this list. I'm still trying to get money back that they've owed me for months.

  27. Anonymous2:34 PM

    <<Anyway, Vin Dicarlo should <<definitely be on this list. I'm <<still trying to get money back that <<they've owed me for months.

    Me too! Is there in fact some kind of Consumer Rights authority we can contact? I'm in Europe - why should Vin Di Rippoff be able to get away with this stuff?

  28. Anonymous2:41 PM

    my eyes are hurting by some of you guys posting up too damn long.

    Guys get to the point and keep it short.

    "Time to separate the pros from the cons

    The platinum from the bronz
    And butter soft shit from the leather on the Fonz
    The S1 diamond from my eye class don
    A Chan Don sipper from a Rosay nigga, huh " Jay-z in brooklyn's finest

  29. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hey guys dont douche Rion or Janka.

    Rion is a persuasion guy thats goodlooking and he has descent good vocal tonality and gets laid and can help get laid, unlike most of guys in the community.

    Janka, didnt learn from tenmanget or take a bootcamp.lol. He learn from himself and going out.He is real life cassanova. His Beliefs system makes him unique and isnt a "PUA" . He is real deal guy who gets laid by what he does.period.

    badboy I think is fake ,like his limp.badboy you give awful advice in your cd program..asshole!

    xuma is a great theorist and awful at game.stick to online bro.lol

    RJ is RJ and belongs in his own category as creepy man of doom.doesnt belong on the list.

    alot of guys in pous world are all talk,no action.

    Soporno with his little dick vocal tonality hits home run!

  30. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I agree 7 people is definitely too short (15 or 20 would be more appropriate) and thanks for doing this, especially since many of these PUA guru guys do affiliate marketing with one another. The definition of a charlatan in PUA teaching terms, to me is someone who's unwilling to show genuine, unstaged visual evidence (at least a dozen times) of themselves successfully applying and showing that what they teach really works.

    If the person wants to keep a low profile (hence why there's no footage of them out in the field, like BradP) and has numerous people vouching for his remarkable skills, that's great to know, but still isn't good enough in my book, so they also still qualify as a quasi charlatan, especially when they're charging a 4 figure fee for their bootcamp.

    The Pick Up Podcast that Sinn has been on, but probably won't be invited on anymore, is very helpful, but for their 100th episode where Jordan and AJ had Sean Stephenson interview them for 2 hours, it was both ultra tedious and very self indulgent.

  31. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I agree about Vin, and I'm suprised you all are suprised.
    in my book you don't sponsor super jiz pills and not get any douch points. Yes, that's right kids. I saw it myself; Vin and a stack of pills sitting at the table while his boy gave the promo pitch about the satisfaction of taking the pills and blowing his load. No lie and no homo!

  32. Anonymous3:17 PM

    This top7 is very chilidish.
    I don't think a total10 woman can tolerate a ''man'' who write this, in that way.
    Anyone has the absolute perfect method.

  33. Anonymous3:27 PM

    WTF Sinn!?! How dare u put Vin Di Carlo on there!!! U better explain this on the Podcast!

  34. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Yeah, this is the list I am interested in, don't care about the other one!
    Yes, Vin DiCarlo talks like he was fucking Casanova "baby this, baby cook me food...blablabla" yet he is a fucking JOKE, has ZERO charisma. I would also add ALL the RSD guys, I fucking hate those CLOWNS! I also hate Mehow for being so GAY, but at least he seems like a nice guy!

  35. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Wow... insecure much dude. These guys could actually help people in life... you seem to only focus on women, that's cool; but is that still gonna be exciting when ya a crusty 70 year old? Lame man.

  36. Anonymous4:50 PM

    haha this is so funny, i cant wait for the podcast :P

  37. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Looking forward to this podcast. As great as the Soporno podcast was, please don't re-hash the same material about him. There's enough dirt on the other losers that we want to hear about.

    BTW....the opening salvo on the blog is a good start to this festive ocassion!

  38. Anonymous4:51 PM

    haha this is so funny, i cant wait for the podcast :P

  39. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Needs a podcast !!

    This is a Dec.31 special, have some brews, maybe take calls, open to questions and confrontations !!

    -ok now grab me by my tool !
    -ok now move FAST
    -don't worry this is a PUA technique, my next product.....(ahh!)

  40. Anonymous5:06 PM

    jon sinn is probably the biggest douche in the entire pua community. burn in hell, cocksucker.

  41. Anonymous5:15 PM



    Also, david wigant is not so bad.

    The thing is that everybody is annoyed of putting vindicarlo, in this one you are wroooong.

    P.D: Please put Mr.M of lovesystems hahahhahah lr playboy hahahh


  42. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Just as there are different female archetypes, there are also different male archetypes.

    An aspiring PUA should choose a guru/system that fits well with his own personality type.

    A guru is not necessarily a fraud because he teaches a system that would not be a good fit for your specific personality type.

    I don't believe that there is an all-purpose system that works perfect for everyone.

  43. Anonymous5:40 PM

    A charlatan list isn't a waste of time. It's long overdue and if anything, serves to help guys save time on knowing who not to waste their money with, if they're going to shell out a 4 figure sum for a bootcamp and/or buy a product. I'm glad I did advance research to know not to waste any time studying charlatans like DeAngelo, Ross Jeffries and several others.

  44. Mike R6:02 PM

    Yea David Wygant totally suck he says some of the stupidest stuff to women but i really cant say anything about him because iv only seen it one time on one of his live infield videos I agree John

  45. Anonymous6:32 PM

    oh come on number 1 is a piece of cake to decide its julian foxx hands down the guy is the douchiest pua out there. he self ego is the funniest shit ever, he makes up thosee stupid ass theories like the face shape one and pms related i was cracking up

  46. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I can't take your lists seriously.

    Fader is in the top 10?? Fucktard has ZERO GAME.

    Who the fuck are you Sinn?

    You fuck fatties..

    And why the fuck DiCarlo is up there in the charlatan's list?

    I say you should put yourself in the top 10 charlatans!!

  47. Anonymous6:52 PM

    "Fuck you very much to those guys, I hope you all die fiery deaths. Happy fucking new year!" HAHAHHAHAHAHH
    That is awesome. I love it.

  48. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Sean Messenger must be on the list?

  49. Seems like you've gotten real negative the last few months. Business not going well?

  50. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Wow, seriously Sinn?

    You don't have anything better to do than to hate on colleagues that are in the same industry as you are?

    Dude you're starting to remind me of Barry Kirkey, the biggest waste of skin the community's ever produced.


  51. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Love the list BUT please take Fader off.

    He isnt even in the top 5 instructors list at Lovesystems. Just Ask Jeremy.

    Fader stutters and he is a fagtard.Who the fuck would want to be gaming against guidos in
    NJ rather than be in NY...maybe a fagtard who peacocks like "mystery in 2002" @ a frat party.

    DING DING DING! Umm Fader!!!! YEah FADER :)

    If he is top ten then other guys deserve that spot.You tell me.

    Awaken dating coach nyc is an expert hired gun game in nyc.
    He coached guys from "other pu companies". he doesnt care if they are cause he isnt "PUA community" guru or wants to be validated as one.

    You should meet him if you go to nyc.

    Fader doesnt have anything useful in a product , he isnt even featured in a Lovesystems interview series.lol

  52. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Rion Williams is a tool. I watched him get kicked out of a club in Montreal a couple of years ago for pissing off a girl. The bouncer didn't take too kindly to his behavior.

  53. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Erika Awakening fits the classic diagnosis for someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. According to the DSM (the diagnostic handbook used by clinical psychologists and psychiatrists), NPD is defined as follows:

    A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by the appearance of at least five (or more) of the following criteria:

    1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
    2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
    3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
    4. requires excessive admiration
    5. has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
    6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
    7. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
    8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
    9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

  54. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Wow, how the fuck can you have Vin on this list? The way he conducts may business is a bit douche-tastic but his material is tight. Some of the best out there IMO.

  55. Anonymous9:22 PM

    What are Charlatans?

  56. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I cant sleep!!!
    Wheres the podcast????
    As you are finishing w the podcast can you suddenly just drop the mic at the end like you are walking out the room similar to natural DVD? "Im out Bitches!:)"
    Shout out to the guys who read your blog including the haters;).Bye bye 2009,hello 2010.


  57. Anonymous11:05 PM

    I have a lot of respect for you Sinn--you are obviously extremely talented.

    But it strikes me as very odd that you bash on Vin DiCarlo and also include an interview with him as a BONUS to your Day Game course. This is what you list as one of the bonuses:

    "Special Bonus #4: Audio Interview with Vin Dicarlo on Same Day Lays. Would you like to meet a girl and get here in bed that SAME day? You'll find out how in this interview. It's packed with very specific step-by-step strategies. A $97.00 value."

    Quote above taken from: http://getdaygame.com/

    I mean, if Vin DiCarlo is so douchey (and I don't know maybe he is), why would you be including his advice as a bonus?

    You say you want to warn guys about taking bad advice, but why would you then include a PUA who is "douchey" as a BONUS?

  58. Anonymous11:17 PM

    @the guy saying Mr M should be on the list for not believing he dated playboy type girls:

    I saw the initial posts, with the actual pictures when they came out. He was told to remove the pics, as it revealed her identity.

    Also saw him at a bootcamp, and he's solid.

  59. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I did a weekend one on one with him...he is a fuckin douchebag. The guy told every girl in set he was a dating coach to build attraction..he was even opening girls after he had me go into a set and would tell them he was a dating coach and they would then observe me and then critiqued me together when i came back...Best Ever. He never once actually opened any girl without going into his dating coach BS. He is a good at acting like he is your buddy and talks nonstop how he cares for his students blah blah blah...At the end of the second night we went to a strip club and he walked away immediately after we grabbed two seats and went whispering shit to the cocktail waitress most likely how he was a dating coach and to treat him like he is the shit...cuz when she came by with our drinks she was on his dick acting like he was a millionaire. I didnt get to hear him say shit to see if he was as good as he said he was.....during our day class session he pulled the NLP BS about how most ppl cannot open up to understand his theories blah blah...and only real students would get it. Sinn I love your blog and products but go FUCK YOURSELF for blowin up a friend of yours cuz he hasnt proven shit in real world pickup that i saw over 3 days 2nights of pickup.

  60. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Barry Kirkey is great in field. I know that because I've been in field with him. So the comments about how he should be on any list like this are bullshit.

  61. If you want do a serious worst top7, write the specific reasons and results with women.

    i must admit that someone confuse ''be masculine'' assertive with get the girl: badboy tell that a true man tell to the girl'' i like you, i wanna hang out with you, write your number''...ooh that man! the reality is that this ''man'' will never never get the girl! (girl under 200lb)
    we'll know it, we'll try it, but listen someone with charisma that tell us so, let forget us about it.

    The Pua community in the last years has become to do philosophy instead that have a scientific or empiric approach. BE NICE,HONEST,LOYAL,FRIENDLY ITS NOT NECESSARY IN THE GAME

  62. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Hey Jon, does it make you sad, that your game related posts get like 10 comments on average, but when you post about community drama you get 50 posts in the first 24 hours?
    Although I enjoy a drama post here and there, I hope you keep on posting about game nonetheless...

  63. I just got to work, sat down at my desk, started eating my bacon egg and cheese biscuit. Well I nearly
    spit it all right out my mouth after reading this list.

    Fucking Hilarious!!!

    I can't wait to hear the rest of these fucking losers!!!

    All Female PUA Instructors...Erika Awakening?

    WTF...I never even heard of these godamn idiots.

  64. Sinn,

    Please put Swinggcat's monkey-ass
    up on this fucking list.

    He has a FEW good things he's created, but the guy is a rip-off artist and a godamn fucking weirdo to boot.

    I heard him in an interview once and he sounded like a fucking creep, trying to use NLP on everybody. He never shows his face (maybe he's ugly as hell), and he took my money one time without delivering my product. He never answered my emails after that. Godamn Asshole.

    His real name is J. D. Fuentes.

    J. D. must stand for Just-a-Douche.

  65. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Sean Stephenson??! Are you insane?! Have you seen him in David D.'s 'Cocky Comedy'? He's great!!! Plus he obviously shows that looks really don't matter!

  66. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Sean Stephenson??! Are you insane?! Have you seen him in David D.'s 'Cocky Comedy'? He's great!!! Plus he obviously shows that looks really don't matter!

  67. You forgot to include el Topo for being such a fucking creep, and you forgot to include yourself for fucking so many fat bimbos and still calling yourself the 2nd best pua in the world:)

  68. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Jordan Harbinger? I follow pickup podcast, and he seems to me like a pretty cool guy.

  69. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Sinn, fuck these moralist guys saying you shouldn't hate.

    Rip the charlatans off!

  70. Anonymous8:18 AM

    LOL...Sinn got stoned and forgot to put the podcast up!

    Sinn + Cam >>>>> Barry + Gunwitch

    Sinn's pocast >>>> Barry's podcast

  71. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Well, in defense of Erika, she actually does have strong Empathy for others.

    That's one of the things she's really worked on over the years, and her empathy is very present. I've met her. She's a sweet girl.

    I ain't saying she's perfect. She does have fantasies of ideal love. Sometimes she leans toward self-importance. I don't subscribe to the same faith she has in her healing modalities, but she is sweet and sincere.

    Perhaps she does crave a certain amount of admiration, but I don't believe she requires it.

    She has grown so much before I met her and even since. She is someone who continually improves herself.

  72. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I did a weekend one on one with him...he is a fuckin douchebag. The guy told every girl in set he was a dating coach to build attraction..he was even opening girls after he had me go into a set and would tell them he was a dating coach and they would then observe me and then critiqued me together when i came back...Best Ever. He never once actually opened any girl without going into his dating coach BS. He is a good at acting like he is your buddy and talks nonstop how he cares for his students blah blah blah...At the end of the second night we went to a strip club and he walked away immediately after we grabbed two seats and went whispering shit to the cocktail waitress most likely how he was a dating coach and to treat him like he is the shit...cuz when she came by with our drinks she was on his dick acting like he was a millionaire. I didnt get to hear him say shit to see if he was as good as he said he was.....during our day class session he pulled the NLP BS about how most ppl cannot open up to understand his theories blah blah...and only real students would get it. Sinn I love your blog and products but go FUCK YOURSELF for blowin up a friend of yours cuz he hasnt proven shit in real world pickup that i saw over 3 days 2nights of pickup.

  73. Hey Sinn, Badboy fucked us over on a promo. We promoted his product and he said his system broke and he couldn't track our sales so we got no money from him, then he went back on his promise to reciprocate. First time I've mentioned it, but if you hear about anyone doing business with him, warn them off!

    -Rich (Gambler)

  74. Anonymous9:39 AM

    How can you even have considered putting Vin on that list? His stuff is tight. He's a pioneer of natural game!

    Don't be so hateful, Sinn!

  75. yo, i absolutely agree with Vin DiCarlo being on the list, he's a douche, a charlatan, and he monopolizes the Boston Lair so that only people who buy and support his shit get in.

    Why are you hating on Jordan Harbinger though? He may not be revolutionary or pushing the art of PU forward at all, but he's not hurting any body or teaching blatantly bad stuff either. I don't think it's far to lump him in with guys who are genuine assholes. Jordan and the AoC guys did the community with their podcast, and they have started calling themselves more of life coaches than PU instructors, so I think they should get a break for that.

    Keep up the good writing Sinn, but take it easy on the bashing of decent guys (David Wygant clearly doesn't fit that group though).


  76. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I like to eat apples.

  77. Anonymous10:54 AM

    gambler should be on the list..i ordered stealth attraction for 10 dollars and they took 140 dollars of my bank account!!! i could not pay my rent because of that...and i don't have the money to sue puatraining either ..
    their products are BTW the WORST you can find.
    and now Gambler writes about bad boy owing him money..im getting REALLY violant right know!

  78. Anonymous10:59 AM


  79. Anonymous11:04 AM

    There is ALOT of hatred for the PUA community. I sense rebellion! Lovesystems, Mystery, RSD, Bad Boy, Brad P - they are all rip off artists. Frauds. Un-educated clowns that might be decent with women buy have no reason to teach. By reading all this and from my personal experiences you get jaded. Sinn you should really do some podcasts or something like this. What happens is that you get guys who need the help and then they are spit on. Is this what a community is all about? Hardly. Sinn you are one of the only legit guys out there that tells it like it is.

    I do not agree with you TOP PUA listing so much but every one has their opinion.

  80. Anonymous11:33 AM

    You forgot to shit on Tyler and the rest of the RSD crew...Fucking clown weirdos! I hope they all burn in hell!

  81. Anonymous11:36 AM

    What about Lance Manson from PU101? I hate that fuck! He is gay, would make a good boyfriend for Mehow

  82. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Sinn, if you put Mehow in yout top 3 charlatans list I will give you 100$!
    Hell, all he does in his video footage is act like a clown to keep girls attention but that guy doesn't get laid at all, he just sets every alarm in my head of being a fraud.
    In fact, Mehow loves to suck cock WHILE getting ass fucked from behind! How fucking gay is that??

  83. Anonymous12:23 PM

    nerds, none of you get laid, you too busy talking shit to each other on the internet


  84. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Sinn, I can't get your podcast because I'm in Brazil. Fuck Apple!

  85. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Wow...you guys be shittin all over the industry!!!

  86. Anonymous3:25 PM

    can I have some of your nimbus??

  87. Anonymous3:44 PM

    is the guy who steals CJ's stories Adonis?

  88. All the negativity over the last few months has got me questioning PU in general. Everybody's dragging everyone else through the mud. There's not one person out there that doesn't have some interest in putting down their competitors and promoting themselves. Who are we supposed to believe?

  89. Anonymous4:46 PM

    You believe what works for you! Ive tried over the last year quite a few things and the best product I've ever found apart from most of adam lyons stuff, was Sinns natural attraction infact I couldnt say which was better, and im not promoting cuz im sure you could download it somewhr, but for real life it's just fact one of the best products out there

  90. What a negative post

  91. Greg0071:29 AM

    Even though these annual 'top' PUA lists are essentially bullshit in how they put PUA 'gurus' on pedestals, TSB magazine (no I'm not Sinn, nor am I affiliated with TSB, but post the link because I agree) has named Sinn as 2009's top PUA.


  92. Anonymous1:46 AM

    every PUA sells bullshit so they can live their useless lifestyles. fuck Pick up. all its good ideas are common sense. and it has enough bad ones to make you a creep. not worth it at all. pick up wasted 1 year of my life.

    the concept of daytime approaches is so laughable, I can't believe anyone is believing that horse crap. like any girl who isn't a slut is going to fuck a random stranger she met off the street. most american girls are sluts, but only once they're drunk.

  93. Anonymous2:45 AM

    "I get laid like a Rockstar!!"



  94. Vin DiCarlo is what surprises me the most. I remember I read and used Vin DiCarlo's Attraction Code based on Sinn's review. It was like 4.5 out of 5. This said by Sinn himself.

    Still, Vin DiCarlo has amazing inner game technique, while Sinn has amazing outer game techniques.

    Props to all of you guys

    Steven ;)

  95. Anonymous11:30 AM


  96. Anonymous11:30 AM


  97. Anonymous11:30 AM


  98. Anonymous11:31 AM


  99. Anonymous11:32 AM

    100 comments!! Happy new year!!

  100. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I like Dr Paul's stuff. Deep Inner Game was helpful to me when I needed it after a tough break up. He does do some bs sales tricks here and there, but I think many if not most of the people who sell PU type stuff do, he brings up helpful points.

    As for sales tricks, I agree with the many people here who mention mehow as using lots of tricks. he sends so many emails. I will give him the fact that he does offer free content which is sometimes good. Although its probably that sinn doesnt want to crap on him cuz hes connected to mehow somehow.

    I have noticed there has been quite a bit of crap talking among pug's recently.


  101. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I found that Dr Paul in Deep Inner Game had some helpful stuff to say. It helped me after a tough break up once. He did try to pull some sales tricks, at the same time he was on a DYD program, and you know David D pulls sales tricks on the regular (tho I do respect some of his stuff, while some of it is just f-ed up stuff that he pulls).

    Adam Lyons has good stuff to offer and it is rare for him to pull any bs. I have met him multiple times and he's got a lot to offer.

    Remember no one is perfect. Just watch out for all the deception that goes on in regards to pu stuff.

    I guess competition was getting fierce due to the economy, but hopefully that turns out to be a good thing and the scammers get pushed out of the market.

  102. Hey Sinn, I'm not from the USA, so I wonder what the artist and song is from the 2009 dushes list.. thanks. , it was enlightening XD

  103. Anonymous8:42 PM

    isn't vin decarlo on one of your products sinn. Vin decarlo on same day lays as an add on to the day game product?

  104. Anonymous12:40 AM

    #1 conclusion: the community is fucked up. Be cautios on what you read, listen or see.

    #2 conclusion: after all, mystery is the number one (sadly to admitt). Who think that mystery is not cool and have no success with woman?

  105. Hi, A lot of you are saying a lot to coaches while being chodes.

    Its easy to bitch, why don't you do better than them?

  106. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Some of the pro blog comments people are making about some of the people (rather than those saying they fully agree), Sinn named are quite interesting. It shows that for any future lists, maybe Sinn can give more advance notice like 'in 3 weeks, the 2010 Charlatan list will be up, so if you want to weigh in with your own pick for or vote against anyone you either admire or have been disaappointed by, give a valid reason why, instead of naming people and saying nothing else, as it may be taken on board'.

  107. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Why waste your money on all these magical "programs"?

    Every self-professing guru is breaking down into minute detail the obvious for all of you chicken $hit wankers too afraid to lay it on the line and take your lumps.

    Google "torrent pick up artist" and download many of these programs for free. Waste your time reading, analyzing, pondering...and when your sick of it all, get the hell out of the house, approach the girl directly with a smile and say "hi!". Make simple, interesting conversation.

    She's NOT going to freak out (like you think she will!) and say something like "Omigod, would you please FUCK OFF, you UGLY LOSER?"

    THAT'S what your truly scared of, isn't it?

    Women are too socially intelligent to do that to a regular guy like yourself. They save that for the swaggering douchebags in the clubs.

    Don't be them.

  108. Anonymous7:19 PM

    #1 is Richard of AFCtraining.com

    soooo much marketing so much blah blah blah... and NOT one proof online...

  109. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Neil natura from speeduplife.com, the guy rip money from people.

  110. I already thought that Same Day Lay CD with Vin Dicarlo was retarded... Those Vin Dicarlo BangBus-stories are really lame ass retarded ripped off from porno.

    How did you find out he was a charlatan?

  111. Wygant is the man. Your straight trippin.

  112. Thanks for the insights Sinn and Cam, I enjoyed the whole time.
    The Only one I would disagree on is Badboy, his simple and uncomplicated advice really helped me.



  113. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Steve “The Dean” Williams what he opinion you young boy?

  114. You forgot http://manhood101.com/ebook.html

  115. John Alanis

    Tony Sanders


  116. Anonymous2:53 PM

    All these negative comments sounds like coming from someone focusing more on the personality than the actal message and content.
    I have a lot of respect for Sean Stephenson for what he has achieved and his message, Tyler i prefer in his earlier programs which are still awesome and groundbreaking.
    Other people I dont know who they are so wont comment.
