Tuesday, October 06, 2009

This Is Crazy...

First off, I want to say THANK YOU for making the release of the Game Acceleration Doctrine – Version 2.0 a big success!

I’ve already received over 120 emails in the last twenty-four hours about the new GAD and over 1,000 people have joined my special Game Acceleration mailing list! If you haven’t signed up for the list yet, sign up here:


Also, I would really appreciate it if you could email me or post on this blog any other questions you have about the new Game Acceleration Doctrine, sticking points you have, or anything else game-related that is on your mind. Email your questions to sinn@sinnsofattraction.com. I'll do my best to answer them in next couple of weeks.

Lastly, I have another awesome FREE gift that I’m releasing tomorrow. I’m really proud of this one and you do NOT want to miss it. To get it, just make sure that you’re signed up for the special Game Acceleration Mailing list:


Talk to you later,



  1. Looking forward to it!

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    great piece of work. appreciate all the hard work that you put into it, definitely clears up many misconceptions, theories and assumptions I had previously. looking forward to your next piece of work .... thanks again ....

  3. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Thanks for GAD2. My feedback, is since the Sinn discussion forums could be a lot more active, can you find or get someone (preferably a professional
    person, like a psychologist who's preferably outside of the PUA community, but is positive, receptive and open minded to it), to have a sticky thread on the forum, where they answer guys' questions.

    I don't mean someone who'd be a mod. Whether it'd be a male or female person, isn't important as guys can sometimes get too stuck in 'cummunity' lingo and attitudes and could do with an outside perspective. Dr. Paul Dobransky is excellent, but he has his own discussion forum and is a busy guy.

  4. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Happy B-Day Bro

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I think your teaching game plan is flawed. On "7 sinns video" - or whatever name of that video was - you are talking about summing all up in the end but... you need to practice in "your environment" right from the beginnig.

    Other than that impressive work! If I was from US I will only learn from you or Brad. Both of you and CJ are my biggest influence.

  6. Anonymous1:58 PM

    That video... WOW


    Just what I was looking for because I am new to this.


  7. That video you sent out to the list was one of the smartest and most helpful things I have ever seen in the community. Thanks so much, really really helpful.

  8. Truly awesome!

    One question: You reviewed most of the major pickup systems except Mehow's. Thoughts?

  9. Sinn really gives you legit info on where you need to be at. Because I bought his A-Z day game mastery and he gives you just as good advice.

  10. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Mehow's system to me is similar to Mystery Method with a dash of DYD. Routine based type stuff while Juggler is kind of "go with the flo" type of thing. Maybe that is the reason he did not review it?

    I really liked his 10SSA program. It was pretty funny and he really lends an playful attitude towards things.

    The guy that I am impressed with the most is CJ. I am in his teleseminar program and its really mind blowing. His thoughts on reframing and game dynamics are eye opening and give one a different light on the whole concept of game and pickup.

  11. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Selfless and innovative, a pickup master and a skilled teacher of the arts. Genuinely an inspiring man. Wish you all the best!

  12. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Does Sinn fear Doc Love?


    Can Sinn wait 5-9 days between dates as the system dictates? Can Sinn keep his hands to himself? MPUA Warfare ! Hellz Ya!

    Sinn vs 86 yr old love coach - let's get a fistfight going ! Barry is the mind-medicated referee. Drooling in the corner.

    Sinns next podcast 'Sinn in the System' ?

  13. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Doc Love is horrible! I cringe when I see his stuff. Sinn is the man! Great stuff Sinn! Thank you for all your help!
