Monday, June 01, 2009

Day Game Madness!!!!

Hey guys,

It would be an understatement to say that things have been pretty crazy since we officially launched the Day Game from A to Z Mastery Program last Thursday. In case you’ve been wondering why you have not gotten a million emails from me since we launched it’s because didn’t want too many orders to go through because of issues we were having with our merchant account. Let me explain...

Basically orders were flying in much faster than we anticipated and we exceeded the monthly volume on our account. Instead of being happy about this, our merchant account company shut down our account soon after we launched.

This is why so many people were not able to get their orders processed correctly. We thought we resolved this issue, but then we got shut down AGAIN when more orders came through. Trust me, I REALLY wish I was making this up.

Anyway, I finally got the OK from the risk department at the merchant account company and he assured me that there will be NO MORE ordering issues.

Because of this technical mishap, there is no way to accurately track exactly who is eligible for the early mover bonuses. So here’s what we’re going to do…

1. If your order has been successfully placed up to this point, you’ll automatically get access to the special Q and A teleseminar and the flake elimination toolkit. I’ll do as many Q and A calls as I have to do. That’s only fair.

2. Everyone else who orders within the next 24 hours will get the Flake Elimination Toolkit for sure. After that, I have to take all the early mover bonuses off the market for good.
So If you want to get your hands on the Flake Elimination Toolkit, you need to get your order in IMMEDIATELY.

You do not want to miss out on that because it’s worth more than the entire program itself. Get it (and EIGHT other amazing bonuses including admission into the $997 Sinns of Attraction Super Conference) by placing your order now:

To all the new Day Game Mastery owners, welcome aboard! I promise that you are going to look back on investing in the program as being one of the best decisions you ever made.
I’m so proud of the program. It’s literally five years of my research, study and THOUSANDS of real life interactions condensed into one easy-to-follow system guaranteed to get you big results. You’re going to love it!



P.S. If you have not gotten your Day Game Program yet, I suggest you run over to and place your order right now while it’s fresh on your mind and before anything else comes up!


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Dude its still not working

  2. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Hey Sinn,

    Looks like you need to update your Wiki page...

  3. This guy from attractionwiki is spamming every fucking seduction blog in order to get people to do his own job.

  4. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The daygame link doesn't work.

  5. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The daygame link doesn't work.
