Monday, April 22, 2013

Mating Intelligence Unleashed Notes

 Hey there,

This book just came out that had a bunch of new stuff on clinical research into dating (Including looking at PUA tactics like stuff Mystery teaches)

Here's my notes on it:

Women preferred innocuous pick up lines wheras men have a preference for direct approaches.

Cognitive Fatigue or distraction can make women less susceptible to innocuous pick up lines and approaches but doesn’t seem to have an effect on reciprocity to direct approaches.

Attempts that received the highest ratings displayed a man’s helpfulness, ability to take control, wealth, education, culture or direct wit.

Opening gambits that revealed a man’s wealth, generosity, ability to take charge, and physical fitness appealed to women.

Men underestimated how much women liked opening gambits that revealed a man’s willingness to hand over control of the interaction to the woman and revealed his wealth or willingness to help someone else.

According to Sternberg each of us creates one of 26 love stories at an early age which then influences our mating choices.

Men think about sex about once an hr compared to once every 2 hours for women

Being a male or female matters less in determining a person’s mating strategy than does a person’s life history strategy.

Karl Grammer and co looked at initial heterosexual encounters and found flirting was only weakly related to actual interest.

Researchers found that women aged 27-45 thought more about sex and were more willing to have sex after 1 date, 1 week and 1 month. They also reported higher than norma levels of fantsies.

Ovulation in women causes more likely mating behaviors including but not limited to: A tendency to be more likely to touch other males in casual setting, and a tendency to be more attracted to creative tyoes, take more risks, dance dynamically and appear more symmetrical.

Men were better at guessing what women want in long term partners while women were better at guessing what men wanted in short term partners.

The most common deceptions are fitness value, level of commitment, tendency towards kindness, financial status, social status and educational background.

Narcissim has different factors: Leadership/Authority, Self absorbtion/self admiration, superiority/arrogance, exploitativeness/entitlement

6 Love Styles:

Eros-Passionate physical and emotional intimacy
Ludus-Game playing and conquest
Pragma-central practical concerns and career goals
Storage- an outgrowth of friendship
Agape- Selflessness
Mania- Attachment and Obsession

Dominance only increases sexual attraction when the person is already high in agreeableness and altruism.

Women scoring high in sexism and sociosexuality are more receptive to PUA advances (Aggresssive courtship styles) . The research by Jeffrey Hall suggest that assertive mating strategies are a way of identifying women with the same courtship script.

By the way, all my new articles will now be available at


Monday, April 15, 2013

Friday, April 05, 2013

Sticking Point # 5: Not Being Able To Isolate

 God Some of you are a bunch of stupid whiny bitches in the comment section!

 If you don't like the amount I update, don't read my blog.

 Oh you don't wanna do that, do you?

Cause you want the free advice you just want to act like an entitled internet pussy while doing it.

Seriously, fuck you if you complain about this blog after 6 years and over 1200 FREE posts, I hope you get run over by a car, stabbed by a group of homeless people with jagged beer bottles and then anally raped by a syphilitic bear.

If I could ban you fucking losers from reading I would so fast you're empty heads would spin.

Fuck outta here with your bullshit.

Now that I've handled these bitch ass internet trolls, let's get back into info that can help you.

Sticking point # 5: Not being able to isolate.

Isolation is EASY.

All you have to do is

A: Have Attraction.
B. Make an excuse to move somewhere else.

So why do guys struggle with this?

Like the anonymous internet commenters they are pussies. They feel like they have something when a girl is talking to them even if that something is just polite response. Furthermore guys have the male sexual perception bias so it's hard for guys to tell when a woman is just being polite and isn't interested in fucking you.

So these guys HOPE that if they talk to the girl for 5-10 more minutes before trying to isolate or if they can have a good conversation in the group they assume it's the same thing.

It's not.

You can get much more sexual, deep and intimate in a one on one conversation than you ever can in a group.

Furthermore being willing to move with you is one of the best signs of attraction in addition to letting you know she actually likes you.

So what happens if she won't isolate?

You need to move on. You can come back 10-15 mins later but you need to show that you are willing to walk away to get a drink, seat, etc... If you attempt to isolate and fail it's a bad idea to keep standing around as it makes you look needy.

So to wrap up, here's what you need to know about isolation.

1. It's easy as long as you have attraction. It's impossible without it.
2. All you need is an excuse. Say it's too hot or cold in here, I need to get a drink keep me company, let's grab a seat, come over here, etc...
3. If the girl doesn't want to she's NOT attracted to you enough. Time to bounce!!!!!!!!!! 


JS- The King of Content and Slapping around Internet Tough Guys.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Interesting TED talk about technology and human interaction

This is a great talk and is the inspiration for a blog post I have floating around inside my head about the effects of technology on dating in general since 2004 when I got involved with this whole thing.

In short, in less than 10 years the ways that people interact has changed especially with young people as people are now less comfortable having an in person conversation as the rise of social media and internet connectivity has led us to want to control and customize every interaction we have throughout our lives. Phone game changing was just the beginning as I feel (and this talk and research suggest) that we are rocketing towards a world where people rarely if ever interact in person if avoidable.

 I still need to crystalize my points and form an idea of what we can do about it moving forward so stay tuned for that stuff...


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Hey it's a new blog post!

 Hey there,

 It's been awhile.

 I wish I had a cool reason I haven't been posting. It started off when I went on vacation. Then I just kinda didn't ever get back to posting or looking at the blog until last week when I was reminded that people still come to the blog and that there were a decent amount of comments.

I deleted all the comments cause they're old and I didn't feel like sifting through the spam and penis pill links to find the quality comments made by real human beings.

Another reason I haven't been posting lately is that I now have a lot more commitments for creating content than I had when I started this blog in 2006. It's hard to sit down and write about pick up and dating after you've spent 8 hours creating videos, audios, doing interviews and coaching students all on the same subject.

Plus after having written 1100 plus blog posts I think I just kinda needed a break from having to write this blog. It's been almost 7 years after all with no real prolonged break at all.

So that's why I wasn't blogging, I haven't become bitter and disillusioned or decided to move to Ecudor I was just taking some time off.

Talk soon,