Friday, September 30, 2011

Replay of Last Night's Girlfriend Training Call

If you missed out on the special Destination:
Girlfriend tele-class that I did last night
you REALLY missed out.

On the call, I gave many never-before-revealed
strategies on how to land an awesome girlfriend...

The GOOD NEWS is that I recorded the call
and you can listen to the replay of the call


But the replay will only be available until
this Sunday at midnight.

On the call, we discussed in great detail how
to find, meet, attract and KEEP an awesome

Get the juicy details here:




P.S. You don't want to miss this awesome training

But you better her though. Because the replay is
coming down this Saturday at midnight.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Inner States and Game

This article is now available on my new site.

Click here to read the article.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Scripted Qualification

I gave a talk to some of the members of the 12m2m at home program on Monday about the 5 most common intermediate/advanced sticking points.

One of the most important of these sticking points is making sure to use scripted qualification.

What I mean by scripted qualification is that you qualify for the same qualities every time you're interacting with a woman you're attracted to. Not only will this help you to qualify enough, it will also help you screen for women you actually like.

It's also not that hard, all you need to do is turn some qualities you like into qualification statements or questions.

Currently the qualities I qualify for are:

Mean sense of humor
Works out consistently
Is not too involved in the club scene
Is Bi-sexual

and a large qualifying question like " What's your best quality."

By sticking to scripted qualification you have a much greater chance of the girl showing up for a date or leaving with you that night.


JS-The King Of Content

Monday, September 19, 2011

Evaluating Your Game Quarterly

Hey there,

Quick thought today.

A lot of guys who are intermediate or advanced wonder what they should do now that they actually (GASP) get laid on a regular basis from cold approach.

The answer took me awhile to find as well.

You don't want to continue to read forums, and study game all the time, as that will give you all sorts of contradicting advice and keep you stuck in the "Pick-up" guy stage of your development.

You also don't want to stop looking at your game objectively either. Some guys become delusional after being able to get laid consistently. You still have sticking points even if you get laid.

SO the solution is to re-evaluate your sticking points at set intervals. I like to do it quarterly. So every 3 months when it's time to get my car checked up and go to the Dr, I also take a look at what I think my sticking points are and what I can do to fix them. Then I focus on that for a little while until I fix the problem. Repeat 4x a year and you'll always improve without being a weirdo.


JS-The King Of Content

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Friday, September 09, 2011

Have the good sense to dislike people who don't like you back.

Short blog post today.

As I get older, one of the things I've realized is that not everybody is going to like you, no matter what you do.

When applying this to pickup it means that not all girls you approach will like you and not all girls will respond to texts, calls etc...

So what do you do about this?

You respond in kind.

If a girl doesn't seem interested in talking to me, I'm no longer interested in talking to her. Same thing with the phone if I am always taking the initiative than it's no good and I just stop.

Seriously just stop putting effort into women who aren't putting effort into you and you will be much happier and more successful.


JS-The King Of Content

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Flaking Video

Hey Guys,

I've been getting some questions on flaking so I decided to make a quick video to explain what's REALLY going on.

Check it out here:

And if you find yourself in need of more information on Eliminating Flaking Forever check out the Flak Elimination toolkit Here



Friday, September 02, 2011

7 Day Positivity Challenge Day 4: Falling off a bit

Yesterday was the hardest day of the challenge so far.

I had a very important meeting pushed back til today and then ended up having to get a lot of busy work done to fill up the day.

My roommate also has some of his friends in town and they are grating on my nerves a little bit...

But on the brightside it is now Friday and after kickboxing and my very important meeting I will be free!!!!!

And it's a long weekend so that means drinking, pool parties and general awesomness.

I'll try to keep updating over the next 2 days but no promises.